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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Preview
28-Jan-2000The Stockholm DeclarationStockholm International Forum on the Holocaust 00576.pdf.jpg
2001Towards ethnic equality and diversity : government action plan to combat ethnic discrimination and racism (adopted by the government plenary session on 22 March 2001)Ministry of Labour of Finland 01091.pdf.jpg
Jan-2001Teaching about the Holocaust in the 21st century = Enseigner l'Holocauste au 21e siècleLecomte, Jean-Michel 01672.pdf.jpg
2002Hate crimesSchloredt, Valerie (ed.) ; King’s College London. Centre for Crime and Justice Studies (CCJS) 01263.pdf.jpg
2002Denouncing racism : a resource guide of faith-based principlesVanderhorst, Geneva ; Glosser, Danielle (ed.) 01230.pdf.jpg
2002Turn it down resource kit : a companion to soundtracks to the white revolution00247.pdf.jpg
7-Dec-2002Ministerial Council decision no. 6/02 : tolerance and non-discriminationOSCE Ministerial Council (MC) 03547.pdf.jpg
2003Working to make a difference : the personal and pedagogical stories of Holocaust educators across the globeTotten, Samuel (ed.) Imagen por defecto
2003Group rights and discrimination in international lawLerner, Natan Imagen por defecto
2003Where do we go from here? Researching hate crimePerry, Barbara 01262.pdf.jpg
2003Hate and bias crime : a readerPerry, Barbara Imagen por defecto
19-Jun-2003Recommendations of the seminar on human rights and anti-Semitism, convened by the Jacob Blaustein Institute for the Advancement of Human Rights, addressed to the OSCE Conference on AntisemitismImagen por defecto
18-Jul-2003Consolidated summary of the 2003 OSCE Conference on Anti-SemitismOSCE Permanent Council (PC) Imagen por defecto
Dec-2003Hate on the internet : a response guide for educators and familiesTiven, Lorraine 00291.pdf.jpg
2004Pamięć: historia Żydów polskich przed, w czasie i po ZagładzieTych, Feliks ; Engelking, Barbara ; Zbikowski, Andrzej ; Żyndul, Jolanta ; Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research ; Ministry of National Education and Sport of Poland Imagen por defecto
2004The new lexicon of hate : the changing tactics, language and symbols of America's extremistsImagen por defecto
Mar-2004Building community and combating hate : lessons for the middle school classroomBettmann, Ellen Hofheimer ; Tiven, Lorraine 00245.pdf.jpg
22-Apr-2004Permanent Council Decision no. 607 : combating anti-semitismOSCE Permanent Council (PC) Imagen por defecto
29-Apr-2004The Berlin DeclarationOSCE Chairman-in-Office (CiO) Imagen por defecto
8-Jun-2004ECRI general policy recommendation no. 8 on combating racism while fighting terrorism (adopted on 17 March 2004)European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) 00359.pdf.jpg