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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Preview
30-Mar-1995Act of 23 March, 1995 on punishing the denial, minimisation, justification or approval of the genocide perpetrated by the German national socialist regime during the Second World WarMinistry of Justice of Belgium ; Parliament of Belgium 03368.pdf.jpg
28-Jan-2000The Stockholm DeclarationStockholm International Forum on the Holocaust 00576.pdf.jpg
2001Holocaust denial : an online guide to exposing and combating anti-Semitic propaganda02371.pdf.jpg
Dec-2003Hate on the internet : a response guide for educators and familiesTiven, Lorraine 00291.pdf.jpg
2004The Holocaust, 1933 - 1945 : educational resources kit03385.pdf.jpg
Sep-2004ECRI general policy recommendation no. 9 on the fight against antisemitism (adopted on 25 June 2004)European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) 00360.pdf.jpg
7-Dec-2004Ministerial Council Decision no. 12/04 : tolerance and non-discriminationOSCE Ministerial Council (MC) Imagen por defecto
2005Holocaust denial : a global survey, 2005Medoff, Rafael ; Grobman, Alex ; David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies 02249.pdf.jpg
21-Nov-2005Resolution adopted by the General Assembly [without reference to a Main Committee (A/60/L.12 and Add.1)] 60/7 : Holocaust remembranceUnited Nations (UN). General Assembly 02263.pdf.jpg
2006Diversity and equity in education : Holocaust educationManitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth 03376.pdf.jpg
Sep-2006Report of the all-party parliamentary inquiry into antisemitismAll-Party Parliamentary Group against Antisemitism (APPGAA) 02919.pdf.jpg
2007Education for Holocaust remembrance = Education pour perpétuer la mémoire de l’Holocauste = Educación para perpetuar la memoria del HolocaustoUNESCO Imagen por defecto
22-Mar-2007Resolution 61/255 adopted by the UN General Assembly : Holocaust denialUnited Nations (UN). General Assembly 05773.pdf.jpg
1-Nov-2007Holocaust remembrance (Resolution 61)United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 05776.pdf.jpg
19-Dec-2007Addressing anti-Semitism : why and how? A guide for educatorsOSCE ODIHR ; Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority. International School for Holocaust Studies Imagen por defecto
Mar-2008Contemporary global anti-Semitism : a report provided to the United States CongressUnited States Department of State 04693.pdf.jpg
Sep-2008Globalising hatred : the new antisemitismMacShane, Denis Imagen por defecto
24-Sep-2009Report of the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chair-in-Office on Combating Anti-Semitism, Rabbi Andrew Baker, on the country visit to Spain, June 3-5, 2009 (prepared July 9, 2009)Baker, Andrew ; OSCE Chairman-in-Office (CiO) 05785.pdf.jpg
5-Oct-2009Remarks of Rabbi Andrew Baker, Personal Representative of the OSCE Chair-in-Office on Combating Anti-SemitismBaker, Andrew ; OSCE Chairman-in-Office (CiO) Imagen por defecto
2-Dec-2009Ministerial Declaration on the Sixty-Fifth Anniversary of the End of the World War IIOSCE Ministerial Council (MC) Imagen por defecto