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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Preview
8-Aug-1981Act of 30 July 1981 on the punishment of certain acts motivated by racism or xenophobiaParliament of Belgium 03369.pdf.jpg
1993The hate crimes/hate speech paradox : punishing bias crimes and protecting racist speechLawrence, Frederick M. ; George Washington University Law School 06091.pdf.jpg
30-Mar-1995Act of 23 March, 1995 on punishing the denial, minimisation, justification or approval of the genocide perpetrated by the German national socialist regime during the Second World WarMinistry of Justice of Belgium ; Parliament of Belgium 03368.pdf.jpg
1998Hate crimes : criminal law & identity politicsJacobs, James B. ; Potter, Kimberly Imagen por defecto
Oct-1998Core curriculum for patrol officers, detectives & command officersUnited States Department of Justice. Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) ; United States Department of Justice. Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) ; International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training (IADLEST) ; National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) ; United States Department of the Treasury. Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) 02662.pdf.jpg
Aug-2000Legal instruments to combat racism on the internetSwiss Institute of Comparative Law ; European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) 00990.pdf.jpg
Apr-2001Federal protections against national origin discriminationUnited States Department of Justice. Civil Rights Division (CRD) 01976.pdf.jpg
2002"Fighting fire with fire" : rethinking the role of disgust in hate crimesAbrams, Kathryn ; University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley). Boalt Hall School of Law 05521.pdf.jpg
28-Jan-2003Additional protocol to the convention on cyber crime, concerning the criminalisation of acts of a racist and xenophobic nature committed through computer systemsCouncil of Europe (COE) 01256.pdf.jpg
Jun-2003Taking same-sex partnerships seriously : European experiences as British perspectivesWaaldijk, Kees ; University of Leiden 03333.pdf.jpg
2004The inherent unfairness of hate crime statutesGoldberger, David 05532.pdf.jpg
2004Crimes of hate : selected readingsGerstenfeld, Phyllis B. ; Grant, Diana R. Imagen por defecto
Dec-2004Overarching principles : seriousnessSentencing Guidelines Council 02779.pdf.jpg
7-Dec-2004Policing hatred : law enforcement, civil rights, and hate crimeBell, Jeannine Imagen por defecto
2005Libel and insult laws : a matrix on where we stand and what we would like to achieve : a comprehensive database on criminal and civil defamation provisions and court practices in the OSCE regionImagen por defecto
2005La lucha contra los delitos de odio en en la región OSCE : una visión general de estadísticas, legislación e iniciativas nacionales06891spa.pdf.jpg
31-Mar-2005Study of literature and legislation on hate crime in AmericaShively, Michael ; United States Department of Justice. National Institute of Justice (NIJ) 06090.pdf.jpg
17-Aug-2005General recommendation [no. 31] on the prevention of racial discrimination in the administration and functioning of the criminal justice systemUnited Nations (UN). Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) 02712.pdf.jpg
Nov-2005Sexual orientation and gender identity issues in development : a study of policy and administrationSamelius, Lottarik ; Wagberg, Erik ; Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) 02220.pdf.jpg
2006Addressing hate crime in Ontario : final report of the Hate Crimes Community Working Group to the Attorney General and the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services. Strategy, recommendations, priorities for actionMinistry of the Attorney General of Ontario ; Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services of Ontario 03531.pdf.jpg