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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Preview
1996Plan integral para la comunidad gitana de AndalucíaJunta de Andalucía. Consejeria de Asuntos Sociales Imagen por defecto
2000Romanipolitiikan strategiatSuonoja, Kyösti ; Lindberg, Väinö ; Ministry of Social Affairs and Health of Finland 04194fin.pdf.jpg
2000Measures taken by the state to promote the social integration of Roma living in HungaryDoncsev, Toso (ed.) ; Office for National and Ethnic Minorities ; Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary 04229.pdf.jpg
Nov-2000Intercultural learning T-kitGillert, Arne ; Haji-Kella, Mohamed ; Guedes, Maria de Jesus Cascão ; Raykova, Alexandra ; Schachinger, Claudia ; Taylor, Mark ; Council of Europe (COE). Directorate of Youth and Sport ; European Commission. Directorate-General for Education and Culture 02359.pdf.jpg
2001Materialsammlung : Maßnahmen zur Kriminalitätsprävention im Bereich Hasskriminalität unter besonderer Berücksichtigung primär präventiver MaßnahmenWagner, Ulrich ; Christ, Oliver ; Dick, Rolf van ; Deutsches Forum für Kriminalprävention ; Ministry of Justice of Germany 04995ger.pdf.jpg
22-Jan-2001The ODIHR Contact Point for Roma and Sinti Issues : an overviewOSCE ODIHR Contact Point for Roma and Sinti Issues (CPRSI) Imagen por defecto
2002Muslim minorities in the West : visible and invisibleHaddad, Yvonne Yazbeck (ed.) ; Smith, Jane I. (ed.) Imagen por defecto
Jan-2002Integration of gender equality : a matter of responsibility, commitment and qualityAdvisory Council on International Affairs (AIV) 01352.pdf.jpg
May-2002Report on ongoing and planned measures and activities of the federal government aimed at combating right-wing extremism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and violence pursuant to subpara. 21 of the resolution by the German Bundestag of 30 March 2001German Bundestag 01519.pdf.jpg
13-Sep-2002National plan of action to combat racism and discrimination (2002–2006)Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development of Norway (KRD) 01580.pdf.jpg
16-Oct-2002Recommendation Rec (2002) 12 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on education for democratic citizenshipCouncil of Europe (COE) CoE Recommendation 2002 12  ENG.pdf.jpg
Jun-2003T-kit on social inclusionCroft, Tom ; Crolla, Veronique ; Mida-Briot, Benoît ; Council of Europe (COE). Directorate of Youth and Sport ; European Commission. Directorate-General for Education and Culture 03855.pdf.jpg
2004Schwarze Menschen in der Schweiz : Ein Leben zwischen Integration und DiskriminierungFröhlicher-Stines, Carmel ; Mennel, Kelechi Monika ; Federal Commission against Racism (FCR) 04966ger.pdf.jpg
Feb-2004Action plan to promote equal treatment and diversity and combat racismMinistry of Refugee, Immigration and Integration Affairs of Denmark 00960.pdf.jpg
Jun-2004Separate and unequal : combating discrimination against Roma in education : a source bookColumbia University. Public Interest Law Initiative (PILI) ; Columbia University. Budapest Law Center Imagen por defecto
Jun-2004American Muslims : race, religion and the nationLeonard, Karen Isaksen ; International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World (ISIM) 01344.pdf.jpg
18-Nov-2004Dual citizenship : British, Islamic or both? Obligation, recognition, respect and belongingAmeli, Saied Reza ; Merali, Arzu Imagen por defecto
2005Employing the Roma : insights from businessUnited Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Regional Bureau for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States ; Ernst & Young ; United Nations Global Impact 02455.pdf.jpg
2005Reference framework for educational policies in favour of Roma, Sinti and Travellers : implementation of recommendation (2000)4 on the education of Roma/Gypsy children in EuropeCouncil of Europe (COE) 04176.pdf.jpg
2005Roms on integration : analyses and recommendationsSwedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) 03623.pdf.jpg