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Country CoverageEU region
Accessioned Date2018-05-21T10:58:51Z
Availability Date2018-05-21T10:58:51Z
Issue Date2008-07-02
PublisherEuropean Commission
Subject Keywordsanti-discrimination
Subject Keywordsequal opportunities
Subject Keywordsanti-racism
Subject Keywordsfreedom of religion or belief
Subject Keywordssexual orientation
Subject Keywordsage
Subject Keywordspersons with disabilities
Subject Keywordsintolerance
Subject KeywordsRoma and Sinti
Subject Keywordsethnic and national minorities
Subject Keywordsreligious or belief groups
Subject Keywordspersons with disabilities
Subject Keywordselderly
Subject Keywordsgay
Subject KeywordsRoma and Sinti
TitleCommunication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions : non-discrimination and equal opportunities : a renewed commitment
Corporate AuthorsEuropean Commission. Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
Publication CountryBelgium
Publication Place Brussels
Key IssuesRacism and xenophobia
Key IssuesFreedom of religion or belief
Key IssuesHomophobia
Key IssuesRoma, Sinti and Travellers
Document NumberCOM(2008)420final
URL displaymul
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Physical Description11 p.
See Alsoreligion or belief
See AlsoPeople of African descent
See AlsoArab
See AlsoArmenian
See AlsoAsian
See AlsoBosniak
See AlsoChechen
See AlsoCroat
See AlsoFrisian
See AlsoGerman
See AlsoHispanic
See AlsoHungarian
See AlsoMontenegrin
See AlsoPomak
See AlsoRussian
See AlsoSaami
See AlsoSerb
See AlsoTatar
See AlsoCrimean Tatar
See AlsoTurk
See AlsoUzbek
See AlsoUkrainian
See AlsoYazidi
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