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AuthorsPlesner, Ingvill Thorson (ed.)
Accessioned Date2018-05-21T11:07:46Z
Availability Date2018-05-21T11:07:46Z
Issue Date2004-09
AbstractPublisher's description: The book is a selection of stories written by children and youth from around the world. Through these stories we understand that the authors are writing about a subject matter they regard as significant and relevant to themselves. The volume makes the complexity of the notion of tolerance visible. It gives the reader grounds for optimism. Youth worldwide do fully appreciate what tolerance is about, and the dilemma it implies. The stories are a mirror of tolerance, or lack of tolerance, as experienced around the world. They are chosen from the world wide contest for children and youth initiated by the Oslo Coalition on Freedom of Religion or Belief, as a part of the Oslo Coaltion project "Teaching for tolerance and freedom of religion or belief". The contest was announced through the global network of UNESCO's Associated Schools Project Network.
PublisherOslo Coalition on Freedom of Religion or Belief
Subject Keywordstolerance
Subject Keywordsdiversity
Subject Keywordseducation
Subject Keywordsreligious or belief groups
TitleStories on tolerance
Material Typetools and guides
Corporate ContributorUNESCO
Publication CountryNorway
Publication Place Oslo
Key IssuesDiversity education
Physical Description51 p.
URL more information
See Alsohuman rights education
See AlsoHolocaust education
See Alsohuman rights education
See AlsoHolocaust education
FulltextNo Fulltext
Fulltext Grantnone
Appears in Collections:Documents
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