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AuthorsMuigai, Githu
Country CoverageHungary
Accessioned Date2018-05-21T11:11:20Z
Availability Date2018-05-21T11:11:20Z
Issue Date2012-04-23
PublisherUN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNOHCHR)
SeriesRacism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related forms of intolerance : follow-up and implementation of the Durban Declaration and programme of action
SeriesReport of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance
Subject Keywordsracism and xenophobia
Subject Keywordsracism and xenophobia
Subject Keywordsdiscrimination
Subject Keywordsintolerance
Subject KeywordsRoma and Sinti
Subject Keywordspolitical participation
Subject Keywordseducation
Subject Keywordsemployment
Subject Keywordsanti-Semitism
Subject Keywordshate speech
Subject Keywordsethnic and national minorities
Subject Keywordsmigrants
Subject Keywordsrefugees
Subject Keywordsasylum seekers
Subject KeywordsRoma and Sinti
TitleReport of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, Githu Muigai, on his mission to Hungary (23-27 May 2011)
Material Typereport
Meeting TitleHuman Rights Council
Corporate AuthorsUnited Nations (UN). General Assembly
Publication CountrySwitzerland
Publication Place Geneva
Key IssuesRacism and xenophobia
Key IssuesRoma, Sinti and Travellers
Key IssuesAnti-Semitism
Document NumberA/HRC/20/33/Add.1
Meeting PlaceGeneva
Meeting Session20th session
Internal NotesTitle on title page: Report of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and relatedintolerance, Githu Muigai. Addendum : mission to Hungary.
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Physical Description22 p.
Meeting Date18 June - 6 July 2012
See AlsoPeople of African descent
See AlsoArab
See AlsoArmenian
See AlsoAsian
See AlsoBosniak
See AlsoChechen
See AlsoCroat
See AlsoFrisian
See AlsoGerman
See AlsoHispanic
See AlsoHungarian
See AlsoMontenegrin
See AlsoPomak
See AlsoRussian
See AlsoSaami
See AlsoSerb
See AlsoTatar
See AlsoCrimean Tatar
See AlsoTurk
See AlsoUzbek
See AlsoUkrainian
See AlsoYazidi
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