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Country CoverageArmenia
Accessioned Date2018-05-21T11:14:58Z
Availability Date2018-05-21T11:14:58Z
Issue Date2012-08-31
PublisherUN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNOHCHR)
SeriesConsideration of reports submitted by states parties under article 40 of the covenant
Subject Keywordscivil and political rights
Subject Keywordsdiscrimination
Subject Keywordsgender equality
Subject Keywordshate crime
Subject Keywordswomen's rights
Subject Keywordslaw enforcement
Subject Keywordsadministration of justice
Subject Keywordsfreedom of religion or belief
Subject Keywordsconscientious objection
Subject Keywordswomen
Subject Keywordssexual orientation and gender identity
Subject Keywordsreligious or belief groups
Subject Keywordsethnic and national minorities
Subject Keywordsrefugees
TitleConcluding observations adopted by the Human Rights Committee at its 105th session, 9-27 July 2012 : Armenia
Material Typecountry report
Meeting TitleHuman Rights Committee
Corporate AuthorsUnited Nations (UN). Human Rights Committee (HRC)
Publication CountrySwitzerland
Publication Place Geneva
Key IssuesGender based discrimination
Key IssuesFreedom of religion or belief
Document NumberCCPR/C/ARM/CO/2
Meeting PlaceGeneva
Meeting Session105th session
URL displaymul
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Physical Description4 p.
Meeting Date9-27 July 2012
See Alsojudicial system
See Alsoreligion or belief
See AlsoPeople of African descent
See AlsoArab
See AlsoArmenian
See AlsoAsian
See AlsoBosniak
See AlsoChechen
See AlsoCroat
See AlsoFrisian
See AlsoGerman
See AlsoHispanic
See AlsoHungarian
See AlsoMontenegrin
See AlsoPomak
See AlsoRussian
See AlsoSaami
See AlsoSerb
See AlsoTatar
See AlsoCrimean Tatar
See AlsoTurk
See AlsoUzbek
See AlsoUkrainian
See AlsoYazidi
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Related CountryOSCE region
Related CountryUN region
Related CountryCoE region
Appears in Collections:Resources on hate crime
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