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Collection's Items (Sorted by Issue Date in Descending order): 621 to 640 of 816
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Preview
2009Understanding and defining hate crimePerry, Barbara ; Levin, Brian Imagen por defecto
2009The consequences of hate crimePerry, Barbara ; Iganski, Paul Imagen por defecto
2009The victims of hate crimePerry, Barbara Imagen por defecto
2009Hate crime offendersPerry, Barbara ; Blazak, Randy Imagen por defecto
6-Dec-2008Council framework decision 2008/913/JHA of 28 November 2008 on combating certain forms and expressions of racism and xenophobia by means of criminal lawCouncil of the European Union 05397.pdf.jpg
23-Oct-2008Report on the relationship between freedom of expression and freedom of religion : the issue of regulation and prosecution of blasphemy, religious insult and incitement to religious hatredEuropean Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) Imagen por defecto
6-Oct-2008Intolerance and discrimination against Muslims : talking points for the meeting of National Points of Contact on Hate CrimesOrhun, Ömür ; OSCE Chairman-in-Office (CiO) Imagen por defecto
6-Oct-2008Hate crimes in the OSCE region : incidents and responses - annual report for 2007OSCE ODIHR Imagen por defecto
Sep-2008Globalising hatred : the new antisemitismMacShane, Denis Imagen por defecto
Sep-2008Handbook on monitoring and reporting homophobic and transphobic incidents05325.pdf.jpg
22-Aug-2008Have you experienced homophobic hate crime? A guide on how the criminal justice agencies respond to homophobic hate crime, and the steps you can take towards stopping itNorth Wales Police 05304.pdf.jpg
Aug-2008Incident report : violent attacks against Roma in the Ponticelli district of Naples, ItalyEuropean Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) 05294.pdf.jpg
Jul-2008Guidance on prosecuting crimes against older peopleCrown Prosecution Service (CPS) 06210.pdf.jpg
Jul-2008Hatursglæpir : áfangaskýrsla um stöðu og þróun hatursglæpa á Íslandi og innan aðildarríkja Öryggis - og samvinnustofnunar Evrópu (ÖSE) [Hate crime : a report on the situation and development of hate crime in Iceland and within the OSCE member countries]National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police 05489ice.pdf.jpg
15-Jun-2008Recommendations [from the Roundtable for Civil Society]05572.pdf.jpg
11-Jun-2008Second opinion on Austria (adopted on 8 June 2007)Council of Europe (COE). Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities 07122.pdf.jpg
9-Jun-2008Hate crime in Canada 2006Dauvergne, Mia ; Scrim, Katie ; Brennan, Shannon ; Statistics Canada. Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics (CCJS) 05212.pdf.jpg
3-Jun-2008Transgender and transsexual identities : the next strange fruit - hate crimes, violence and genocide against the global trans-communitiesKidd, Jeremy D. ; Witten, Tarynn M. 07283.pdf.jpg
3-Jun-2008Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review : UkraineHuman Rights Council (HRC). Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review 05997.pdf.jpg
Jun-2008Addressing hate crime as a regional security threat : an overview of the ODIHR law enforcement officer programmeBishop, Jo-Anne Imagen por defecto
Collection's Items (Sorted by Issue Date in Descending order): 621 to 640 of 816