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Country CoverageGeorgia
Accessioned Date2023-03-05T19:08:30Z
Availability Date2023-03-05T19:08:30Z
Issue Date2022-11-16
Abstract"EXPLANATORY STATEMENT - SUMMARY OF FACTS AND FINDINGS This report comes at a historic juncture for Georgia following its formal application for the membership of the European Union on 3 March 2022. It presented an opportunity to take a close look at the overall progress achieved in implementing the EU-Georgia Association Agreement (AA), including a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA), since its coming into force in 2016. The authorities of Georgia can be commended for their hard work in providing in time the necessary information for the Commission to assess its membership application. The resulting Commission opinion on Georgia’s application for the EU membership served as a basis for the historic decision of the European Council on 23-24 June 2022 to recognise the European perspective of Georgia. It also includes a list of priorities that need to be addressed before granting Georgia candidate status. Taking necessary actions ahead of the next Commission assessment should be the overarching goal of all political forces in Georgia. Political will to take action is needed to back up a clear support of the Georgian people for the European integration of their country. This is a historical opportunity for Georgia and it needs to be seized. The current implementation report also focuses on the key issues that need to be addressed for Georgia to take the next steps towards its goal of EU membership. It builds on the relevant resolutions of the European Parliament and the activities of its bodies and key members dealing with Georgia, reflecting the close and constant engagement of our institution with Georgia. The Rapporteur followed closely the activities of the EU-Georgia Parliamentary Association Committee and maintained regular contact with representatives of Georgian authorities, opposition and civil society, as well as the European Commission and the EEAS. He wishes to thank all the stakeholders for their valuable input into the report."
Subject Keywordsintolerance
Subject Keywordssexual orientation
Subject Keywordsgender identity
Subject KeywordsEU
TitleReport: on the implementation of the EU Association Agreement with Georgia
Material Typethematic report
Corporate AuthorsEuropean Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs
Key IssuesGender based discrimination
Document NumberA9-0274/2022
Physical Description22 p.
URL more information
See Alsohate crime
See Alsoanti-discrimination
See Alsotolerance
See Alsostereotype
See Alsoprejudice
See Alsohate speech
See Alsovictim support
FulltextNo Fulltext
Fulltext Grantnone
Related CountryOSCE region
Related CountryUN region
Related CountryCoE region
Appears in Collections:Documents
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