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AuthorsGhanea, Nazila
Country CoverageUN region
Accessioned Date2024-08-26T05:10:42Z
Availability Date2024-08-26T05:10:42Z
Issue Date2024-01-08
Abstract"Summary In the present report, the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, Nazila Ghanea, calls for greater efforts to counter hate speech, promote freedom of religion or belief, foster interfaith and intercultural dialogue and understanding and protect religious and belief minorities while upholding all human rights. To ensure effectiveness, hatred on the basis of religion or belief must be addressed by States in a human rights-compliant manner. The Special Rapporteur also offers recommendations to non-State actors, including engagement in transnational advocacy networks, for addressing hatred based on religion or belief with ongoing vigilance."
Subject Keywordsfreedoms
Subject Keywordsfreedom of religion or belief
Subject KeywordsUN
Subject Keywordsreligion or belief
Subject Keywordsreligious institutions
Subject Keywordsreligious or belief groups
TitleHatred on the basis of religion or belief : Report of the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, Nazila Ghanea
Material Typeannual report
Material Typethematic report
Corporate AuthorsUN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief (UN SR FoRB)
Key IssuesFreedom of religion or belief
Document NumberA/HRC/55/47
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Physical Description20 p.
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See Alsoracism and xenophobia
See Alsoanti-Semitism
See Alsointolerance
See AlsoMuslims
See AlsoChristians
See Alsohate crime
See Alsoanti-discrimination
See Alsotolerance
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