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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Preview
Oct-2001Hate crimes on campus : the problem and efforts to confront itWessler, Stephen ; Moss, Margaret ; United States Department of Justice. Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) 02013.pdf.jpg
2002Promoting gender equality in the public sectorEscott, Karen ; Whitfield, Dexter ; Centre for Public Services ; Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) 01282.pdf.jpg
2002Avoiding the dependency trapUnited Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Regional Bureau for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States Imagen por defecto
2002Institutional racism in higher education : building the anti-racist university : a toolkitTurney, Laura ; Law, Ian ; Phillips, Debbie ; University of Leeds. Centre for Ethnicity and Racism Studies (CERS) ; Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) 01288.pdf.jpg
Apr-2002Multiple, compoud and intersectional discrimination : bringing the experiences of the most marginalized to the foreMakkonen, Timo ; Abo Akademi University. Institute for Human Rights 05091.pdf.jpg
2003Multiple identity and access to health : the experience of black and minority ethnic womenMirza, Heidi Safia ; Sheridan, Ann-Marie ; Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) ; Middlesex University. Centre for Racial Equality Studies (CRES) 01281.pdf.jpg
2004The real story of U.S. hate crimes statistics : an empirical analysisRubenstein, William B. ; University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). School of Law 02784.pdf.jpg
2004Schwarze Menschen in der Schweiz : Ein Leben zwischen Integration und DiskriminierungFröhlicher-Stines, Carmel ; Mennel, Kelechi Monika ; Federal Commission against Racism (FCR) 04966ger.pdf.jpg
Jun-2004France's renewed reaction to the “Islamic headscarf” : the role of the republican model of citizenship in shaping French public responses to new social actorsThomas, Elaine R. ; Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). Chaire de Recherche du Canada en Mondialisation, Citoyenneté et Démocratie 02132.pdf.jpg
Sep-2004Facilitating freedom of religion or belief : a deskbookLindholm, Tore (ed.) ; Durham, Cole W. ; Tahzib-Lie, Bahia G. (ed.) ; Oslo Coalition on Freedom of Religion or Belief Imagen por defecto
10-Sep-2004International action against racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and intolerance in the OSCE region : a comparative studyOSCE ODIHR Imagen por defecto
Oct-2004The Hungarian status law : nation building and/or minority protectionHokkaido University. Slavic Research Center (SRC) Imagen por defecto
18-Nov-2004Dual citizenship : British, Islamic or both? Obligation, recognition, respect and belongingAmeli, Saied Reza ; Merali, Arzu Imagen por defecto
Dec-2004Outsider status : stigma and discrimination experienced by gay men and African people with HIV : research reportSigma Research 01834.pdf.jpg
2005Istoriografija katastrofy. Evrejskij vzglyad : kontseptualizatsija, terminologiya, podhody i fundamentalnye voprosyMichman, Dan ; Tkuma All-Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies ; Bar-Ilan University Imagen por defecto
2005Roms on integration : analyses and recommendationsSwedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) 03623.pdf.jpg
2005Racist incidents : progress since the Lawrence inquiryDocking, Maria ; Tuffin, Rachel ; Home Office. Research Development and Statistics Directorate (RDS) 02403.pdf.jpg
31-Mar-2005Study of literature and legislation on hate crime in AmericaShively, Michael ; United States Department of Justice. National Institute of Justice (NIJ) 06090.pdf.jpg
Jun-2005Non-Roma groups (focus groups discussion) : Macedonia03643.pdf.jpg
Jun-2005Report : Croatia. Decade of the Roma – Roma groupsPuls 03640.pdf.jpg