OSCE Tolerance Implementation Meeting on Addressing the Hate Crime Data Deficit

OSCE Tolerance Implementation Meeting on Addressing the Hate Crime Data Deficit


Results 1-15 of 15 (Search time: 0.019 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Preview
111-Apr-2007Final report [of the OSCE Tolerance Implementation Meeting on Addressing the Hate Crime Data Deficit]OSCE ODIHR Tolerance and Non-Discrimination Department (TND) 03052.pdf.jpg
213-Nov-2006Publishing statistics on race hate crime in the UK (presentation by Dr. Christine Magill, Research, Development and Statistics Directorate, Officer for Criminal Justice Reform, Home Office, UK)Magill, Christine ; Home Office. Criminal Justice System (CJS) 03036.pdf.jpg
310-Nov-2006Addressing the hate crime data deficit : recommendations of the Anti-Defamation League02983.pdf.jpg
410-Nov-2006Data collection as an effective tool for improving policy : responses aimed at combating hate crimeKlempa, Heike ; European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) 03189.pdf.jpg
59-Nov-2006Standardized police training & data collection on hate-motivated crimeSilver, Warren ; Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics 03409.pdf.jpg
69-Nov-2006Legislative instruments of Ukraine designed to counter hate crimeOSCE Delegation of Ukraine 02986.pdf.jpg
79-Nov-2006The role of police in data collection : practical implications (outline presentation by Assistant Chief Constable Drew Harris, Police Service of Northern Ireland)Harris, Drew ; Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) 03053.pdf.jpg
89-Nov-2006Hate crime in Germany : processing hate crime statistics (presentation by Mr. Ulrich Kinitz, Detective Superintendent, Head of State Security Division, Police Headquarters, Münster, Germany)Kinitz, Ulrich ; Police Headquarters Münster. Criminal Investigation Department 02984.pdf.jpg
99-Nov-2006Reporting data on hate crimesTejchmanova, Ladislava ; Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic. Security Policy Department 03612.pdf.jpg
108-Nov-2006Introduction to Session 4, Data collection and analysisNolan, James J. ; West Virginia University 03035.pdf.jpg
118-Nov-2006Recommendations of the NGO preparatory meeting to the OSCE tolerance Implementation Meeting : Adressing the Hate Crime Data Deficit02972.pdf.jpg
123-Nov-2006Hate crimes monitoring and reporting03039.pdf.jpg
1330-Oct-2006The hate crime concept in Germany and how to improve the knowledge on the extent of hate crimesPeucker, Mario ; University of Bamberg. European Forum for Migration Studies (EFMS) 02978.pdf.jpg
1430-Oct-2006Background information by and with regard to the "Opferperspektive, Beratung für Opfer rechtsextremer Gewalt"02985ger.pdf.jpg
1530-Oct-2006Racism as a crime03037.pdf.jpg